Now enter into the Gates of safety and learn of me Says the Lord God strong and Mighty. I desire you to know the Mysteries that you may have an answer for the world. Come up higher and I will show you great and mighty things which are yet to come.
His Voice Web-site is designed to be a microphone for God. Can you hear Him Now? The Word of God is the Key.
Our mission is to bring biblical training for the Birthing, Maturing, Strengthening, Equipping, Encouraging, Motivating, Activating, and building up the Saints of God. Our focus is on Pleasing God, On Ministering to the whole man, and On Learning how to use the Keys. Discipleship. We desire you to be all that He has called you to be. Our Monthly Training's are structured to help believers;
- To know and understand The Word of God.
- To apply the Word of God to your life.
- To preach and teach the Word of God.
- To live for Christ, pray, witness, study and minister faithfully unto God and the World.
- To encourage you to set up the ministries that would reach the lost, build up the believers, minister to the needy, and to support world-wide missions.
Listen and hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying to the Church.
In all of your getting, get an understanding and then strengthen your Brother.
Use what you learn and enjoy your visit.